Monday After the Eclipse

Monday After the Eclipse


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 Something a bit different this week.  Just in case you hadn’t heard, there was a solar eclipse last Monday!  So in case you missed it, I am attaching about 85 photos I took showing the progress of the moon across the face of the sun.  But take heart, you don’t have to study each one – I put them together in a short (less than 90 seconds) video.

Eclipse Aug 2017 V3 480270

Some of you saw an earlier version of this video, but I deleted some of the images from the first version to give a slightly less jerky motion.  In case you are wondering, the dark spots visible on the sun are not dirt on my camera sensor, but really are sunspots.

 The first still picture this week, MA1, is not one of my pictures, but it does show me and my big lens, with a (homemade) filter over the lens to enable safe direct viewing and imaging of the sun.  Thank you, Esther, for the picture!


The second still, MA2 is one of mine.  It was taken quite recently, but I will let you spend the next week thinking about what it might be of!  I promise to provide the answer next week!


Have a great week!


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