Things That Make You Go Hmmmm Monday October 16, 2017

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm Monday October 16, 2017


While out hunting for photographic subjects, I sometimes come across things that make me stop and think or even better, laugh!  This week I would like to share some of them with you.


This sign, in a nearby garden plot, is quite self explanatory, but what does one make of this one


seen by the side of a road in North Carolina?Bumper stickers (and window stickers) are always a good source of fun.  These three appeal to me very much!

I am always on the lookout for birds, and sometimes sings, birds, and humor come together.  For example, did the sign-writer for this one consult the heron?


And will the heron abide by it?  And if not, what are the consequences?

I don’t think there was any such sign at this lake.


But it took me some time to realize that the swan was a life-size plastic replica!  Speaking of life-size plastic birds, these flamingos migrate through the landscape outside our condo building every year on April 1.


Occasionally the replicas are much more than life size.


My mental caption for that one is “When Rubber Duckies Attack”.

The first time I saw this


on our campus, for a few seconds I thought it might be a real sheep.  It is a large ceramic replica, but who made it, and why, or why they the abandoned it just off our walking trail, is a mystery to me, but I like their sense of humor.Even more bizarre is the boat anchor that appeared when one of our ponds was drained.


As far as I know, there was never even a kayak on this pond, never mind a vessel large enough to warrant an anchor like this.I always keep one eye on the sky for aircraft as well as birds, and sometimes I am caught by surprise and find myself thinking “Is it a bird? – Is it a ‘plane? – no, it’s . . . . . .


. . . . . a bunch of balloons!

Ruthi and I are very excited to be heading to California tomorrow for a family wedding.  We are adding several days of sight-seeing afterwards, so I will not be posting next Monday, or even the one after.  I hope to resume normal service in November.

Have a great week (or three).



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